Calculating per cent alcohol from Specific Gravity

The University of Vermont Business of Craft Beer School is not about teaching us how to brew. They assume the students know the basics of brewing before getting into the business!

I am learning the basics of making mead from my friend Julie Nitschke and from many different sources on the web. Percent alcohol is always of interest.

I found a calculation to turn the Specific Gravity readings into an approximate estimate of the percent alcohol at They have a nice clear description of the whole measuring process. They explain:

‘For an approximate estimation, the magic number is 131.25. Your percent alcohol can be given by the formula:

ABV(%) = (Initial Gravity - Final Gravity) * 131.25.

So if your initial gravity was 1.108, and your final gravity was 1.041, your beer is approximately 8.79% alcohol by volume.’

The carboy holding Mead 2 for 100 days. Note the yeast at the bottom.

Small bubbles still rising steadily.

Our original Specific Gravity was 1.10; and the post-racking Specific Gravity was 1.041 (accounting for a few degrees above 60F). Therefore 1.1 – 1.041 = 0.059

0.059 x 131.25 = 7.74375 % alcohol

I’m happy with that.          #UVMCLI #UVMrep #sponsored



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